Hello there!

I have two simple joys in life: a love for books of all genres and a passion for strawberries. If these things resonate with you, keep reading. If not, I’d love to hear a couple of interesting tidbits about you. But, so that you know, I haven’t shared my secrets with you yet.

My journey has been quite the adventure. Once upon a time, I found myself at Philips, immersed in the world of coding. There, I crafted programs to unravel the complexities hidden within commercial reports. My path then led me to a different company, where I dove back into coding, this time bringing printers to life, enabling them to do what they do best: print. Inspired by a leap of faith, I embarked on a new venture, establishing my own company to innovate in the cloud computing space. All these chapters of my life unfolded in Brazil, where inside me, there was a best-selling novelist eagerly waiting to break free, merely masquerading as a CEO.

Today, my life has taken another beautiful turn. I’m a proud mother of a young man and delighted to share that my dreams have become reality. I now reside in the quaint town of Klarup, Denmark, where I continue to write, hoping to craft stories that resonate with others.

In this tale, I’ve traversed from the corporate world to the entrepreneurial realm, all while nurturing the soul of a writer within.